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There is freedom in interpretation of the classified subtypes of occasions of pattern but it may be constrained.
In mathematics, the "order of operations" determines the correct order in which to perform operations. For example, we learn to multiply before we add. If we want to add before we multiply, then we insert parenthesis into the formula to override the default order of operations.
Although there is only one operator in ADEPT LION, the consideration have multiple limitations in them, so we must decide where to put the parentheses.
We might have hoped that the order in which we apply the limitation laws didn't matter, but it does.
We call the diversity of interpretations that can be derived from a given consideration formula freedom.
And we call the decision about where to put the parentheses a constraint.
And finally, we pick one constraint to be the default interpretation of each consideration.
The non-default interpretations provided by freedom introduce both subtle distinctions and frank contradictions of the distinct results found in the default interpretations.
Because selection of constraints is independent of the fixed structure of the pattern itself, the assignment of interpretation is a choice. Thus, ADEPT LION provides a formal methodology in pattern for the disambiguation of complex meaning.
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ADEPT LION Interpretations (xlsx)
DownloadAlthough it may initially seem tangential, there is one more critical topic to discuss before completing this Theory of Pattern. It is the study of change.
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ADEPT LION is a Salveretec PBC patented invention